The Market Diner — CNY Regional Market

The Market Diner

Monday-Friday 6AM - 8PM

Saturday-Sunday 6AM - 3PM

Open year-round


2100 Park St, Syracuse NY 13206

You should NEVER grocery shop hungry! Instead chow down on the @themarketdiner's EGG-CELLENT selections 🍳

Feeding Syracuse since 1974, this family-owned 50's style vintage diner with traditional American and European cuisine offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, all served at any time of day. Owners Tony and Elaine Imbesi, strive to create a personal dining experience for every customer and we believe this is what sets them apart in the world of Syracuse dining. Walking into a warm environment and being immediately greeted by a friendly staff, have enabled them to build emotional connections with their customers. Forming new and nurturing old relationships, Tony explained, has been both fulfilling and enriching. “We have a well-communicated rule in the diner. We treat our guests like they’re walking into our house so they leave happy. If they leave happy, they’ll return!”

The sense of community they believe, can be attributed to their committed and hardworking staff. Most of their senior employees are approaching 20 years at the Diner! Such a dedicated team that understands the value of creating an experience, not just serving a meal, is a core value in their business. “We have the privilege of comforting those who might be sick, lonely, melancholy. We also celebrate with people around big milestones like anniversaries, graduations. We want the community to think about us as an extension of their family, and for our staff to feel valued as well.”

Owning your own business comes with its own challenges too though. Putting in long hours weekly and managing operations from a distance when not on site, is an enormous commitment. With doors open 7 days a week, the two continue to work around the clock because of a shared passion for the service.

Put simply, the Market Diner prides itself for having a little something for all walks of life in a warm and inviting dining space. Visit their website to place an order for pick up or jump back in time to the 50’s for a staple Market Diner meal — reserving a spot in on of their bright red booths is a must!

Feeding Syracuse since 1974, this family-owned 50's style vintage diner with traditional American and European cuisine offers breakfast, lunch and dinner, all served any time of the day. @themarketdiner prides itself for having a little something for all walks of life in a warm and and inviting dining space. Scrumptious meals like frittata, omelets, reubens, corned beef with cabbage, and burgers — all customer favorites. For bigger appetites, we recommend their baked rigatoni, pot roast or New York strip steak.

Visit their website to place an order for pick up or jump back in time to the 50’s when they reopen for a staple Market Diner meal — reserving a spot in their bright red booths is a must!

CNY Regional Market