Mariah Elk Farm — CNY Regional Market

Mariah Elk Farm

Who ELKS would you ask other than the Root family? Bob and Beverly, owners of Mariah Elk Farm, started raising elk in 2000 on their 164-acre farm. Every day since then has been a learning experience. The Berkshire couple and their son, Joe, sell elk meat to area restaurants and individuals at our Market. If you haven't tried it, it comes in all cuts -- steaks, roasts, ground meat, etc. Naturally low in fats, elk meat is actually doctor recommended for people with high cholesterol.

Their farm is built with rotational grazing in mind. The elk graze in various paddocks and are moved to fresh paddocks as needed. As herd health is essential, their animals are offered a pellet feed, mineral block, and parasite control as needed. No additives or growth hormones are used in this operation.

The Roots also sell elk velvet, a substance from elk antlers that is said to relieve arthritis, heal cartilage, and provide joint lubrication. It’s processed from a farm in Minnesota.

What elks do you want to know? The Roots will answer all your questions -- time to trace your tacks back to our A Shed at our Saturday Farmers Market, open year round.

CNY Regional Market