The Happy Pickle

Saturday Farmers Market, year-round: C shed

Products: Pickles, pickle salsa, and olives

The Happy Pickle, a generational business, was founded by Mark Webster, or “Pickle Senior”, as his son Derek jokingly referred to him. While Derek remembers people teasing him about selling pickles, Mark proudly shared that they’re now the largest mobile pickle vendor in FL!

“I was construction worker and right after the crash hit and I had a stroke, I met a vendor from Fort Pierce who said there was a guy who used to sell pickles and he did really well so I picked it up. We started on the east coast of FL and spread to the west. Prior, I was an alcoholic and having this business changed my life around. All three of my kids have been down bad paths at one point or another too. Now, they all work in the business with me and it’s made a difference. What’s it like working with Derek though? Derek is the best. We have a really nice banter and can tease each other and have fun without hitting each other below the belt with our humor.”

Both laughing, the two agreed that the smell of the pickle juice is a huge part of the business. “It soaks in your skin so you have to shower like four times a day and you can only date girls who like pickles.” We’ve heard repeatedly that it draws in new customers so it’s certainly prevalent!

Although Mark hasn’t been able to smell them since his stroke, it hasn’t diminished his passion for the product. “Our pickles are refrigerated and freshly packaged, never pasteurized. Some people or companies can pickles so they can store them, but we sell ready-to-eat pickles. Kosher dill spears are our best seller. Other than that, preferences are across the board. They’re all good for digestion and such a great snack. One of the draw backs is the sodium, but our customers need that extra salt after working out or even after being hungover. The benefits are just awesome.”