Otter Lake Farm and Fiber — CNY Regional Market

Otter Lake Farm and Fiber

Saturday Farmers Market, January-April: C-Shed
Saturday Farmers Market, May-October: F-Shed
Saturday Farmers Market, November-December: F-Shed

Products: lamb meat, fiber, and handcrafted skin care products.

@otter_lake_farm was started in 2017 by Kate Pelkey. 🐑

Kate is a multitalented fiber artist, soap-maker, and shepherd who started this business to provide people with high quality products from happy animals. "We currently raise three breeds of sheep for meat and fiber- Gotland, Romeldale/CVM, and Corriedale. We also raise a plethora of chickens, two roosters, and one very lucky turkey."

"We are currently in the final stages of opening our agricultural farm stand/studio located on the property, with a soft opening in late December 2022. All of our skincare and sheep products will be available for pick up on site or shipped right to your door, including designed/handcrafted sheep coats, pelts, and skeins. You can also find us at the CNY Regional Farmers Market in Syracuse every Saturday."
