Hahn Farms — CNY Regional Market

Hahn Farms

Saturday Winter Season Farmers Market, May-mid-November: C-Shed
Saturday Grower Season Farmers Market, May-October: B-Line & C-Shed
Saturday Holiday Season Farmers Market, November-Decemeber: C-Shed
Thursday Grower Season Farmers Market, May-mid-November: A-Shed & B-Line
Sunday Summer Season Flea Market, May-October: B-Line

Hello from the Hahn Family 👋🏼 Grandmother Linda & granddaughter Emily, their family has been vending on our market for three generations! Fresh fruits, veggies, and hanging baskets from their green house in Syracuse — Linda says peppers and tomatoes are best sellers. Hahn's farm is made up of 200 acres. Owner Linda shares with us what they produce: “In the spring, we grow herbs, bedding plants, and plants for hanging baskets. In the summer and fall, we grow garlic, summer squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, beans, eggplant, pickles, sweet peppers, hot peppers, and winter squash.” With greenhouses open in May & June for plants and florals, be sure to check out their wide selection next spring. The Hahns share that they love farming because it allows them to be outside and experience something different every day. Linda explains every day feels like a Monday when you own and operate a farm but they truly love what they do.
