Fruit of the Fungi — CNY Regional Market

Fruit of the Fungi

Saturday Farmers Market, year-round: C shed

Products: fresh mushrooms, mushroom products

Time to meet two of the flyest FUNGI at the Market -- KC & Kristi Mangine, co-owners of Fruit of the Fungi.

"We began our business in 2008. Selling log-grown shiitake mushrooms seasonally to restaurants and at farmer’s markets. In 2015 we took it full time. It turned into a year round operation and we expanded the varieties grown. As we began to grow we needed a bigger outlet. In the winter of 2016 we began attending the Regional Market. It’s about an hour drive from our home in Lebanon but the customers and relationships we have made make it well worth the time."

Selling fresh and dried mushrooms, KC explained that there are so many paths a mushroom business can take (i.e. grow your own, supplements, spawn). Their sole focus has always been getting fresh and dried onto your dinner plates however. "Our mushrooms are certified organic and we have control of our substrate from start to finish. We recycle sawdust from local mills and turn it into the fungi you see at the market. All of our varieties grow on and decompose wood. We grow shiitake, lion’s mane, oyster, maitake, beech, chestnut and reishi."

A great source of B vitamins and a natural source of vitamin D, the Mangines can in-depth about the valuable health benefits. "Many varieties can help build immune function and reduce inflammation. Mushrooms are a great meat substitute. All mushrooms should be cooked before consumption to break down there chitin and release their nutrition. All our varieties have different textures and flavors but all are deeply savory. We can show you how to turn your mushrooms into a great umami addition to any meal."
