

Located in scenic Syracuse, New York

CNY Local & Fresh

Vendor Information

Central New York Regional Market Authority


“The mission of the Authority is to provide facilities, programs and service to promote opportunities for Agriculture and commerce in Central New York.”

You have many shopping choices at the CNY Regional Market; you can support local farmers, who bring their in- season, super-fresh vegetables for sale every week, or you can opt for our wholesale fresh produce brought in both locally and from across the country.


About the saturday farmers market

The Saturday Farmers Market serves an opportunity to purchase local and fresh produce from surrounding counties. The Saturday Farmers Market is open year round beginning at 7:00 am until 2:00 pm. We’ll see you at the market!

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About the Sunday Flea market

The Sunday Flea Market serves as an opportunity to purchase antiques from surrounding counties. The Sunday Flea Market is open year round beginning at 7:00 am until 2:00 pm. We’ll see you at the market!