Garlic scape burgers
4 Servings
20 Minutes
These burgers are the perfect escape for the 4th! The recipe comes courtesy of @gillie_brook_farm_llc and owner Robert Nogash, who had this to share about growing fresh ingredients, and farm life in general:
“Typically at 5am my days begin with a morning coffee, checking incoming emails, sending out weekly availability crop lists to commercial customers, preparing a task list for farm work, harvest orders, delivery schedules then adjusting all that based off the weather, worker availability, or if the equipment’s unruliness provides a surprise ‘gotcha’ moment. 3pm can’t come soon enough for a dog walk or swim in Gillie Brook, or a later market at 7pm. And then some evenings are spent renovating a second house for future retirement use and living as we seek to transition the farm to a younger farm family wishing the experiences and lifestyle of agricultural living.”
1 bunch of garlic scapes
1lb 80-20 ground beef
Chop scapes into small pieces, and split the beef into four 4 oz balls.
Press each ball into a patty, and press a handful of chopped scapes into each patty.
Cook at a slightly lower temperature than you would for a normal burger, and for longer (the scapes will need time to cook through).
Allow them to rest, and order up!