Board of Directors
Our Board
The CNY Regional Market Authority Board of Directors is comprised of thirteen members. Twelve members are appointed by the counties we serve, with two representatives from each county. One member is appointed by the Commissioner. The board oversees the operations of the Regional Market, providing strategic guidance and support. They convene monthly to discuss key issues, approve policies, review the annual budget, and develop strategies that enhance the market's sustainability and community impact. The board plays a vital role in preserving the integrity and mission of the CNY Regional Market, ensuring it continues to serve as a vital resource for local agriculture and commerce.
Anthony Emmi, President
(Onondaga County)
Anthony currently operates his family’s fruit and vegetable farm. Raised on family’s fruit and vegetable farm in Liverpool, Anthony graduated from Liverpool High School 1981. Following graduation, he attended West Point , graduating 1985. From 1985 to 1992, Anthony served as a U.S. Army Armor Officer in the 82nd Airborne Div. light tank company commander, serving Operations Desert Shield/Storm (1990-91). Anthony was awarded a Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Parachutist Badge for his service before leaving the Army in 1992 to manage his family’s farm in Baldwinsville (1992-present). Qualifications for his role on the Authority’s Board of Directors include: experience serving on the boards of the New York State Berry Growers Association (1995-present), the Onondaga County Farm Service Agency (2000-09), the Upstate New York Growers and Packers Cooperative (2011-present), and the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga County (2017-19). Anthony is a current New York State Farm Bureau member, and has extensive experience in agriculture and production as well as experience vending at farmers markets.
Paul Heider, Vice President
(Cortland County)
Paul serves as a Legislator in Cortland County, where he has served for the past 6 years. He represents LD 16, the towns of Solon, Cuyler and Truxton. He presently chairs the Buildings and Grounds Committee, and also serves on the Agricultural Planning and Environmental Committee, Highway Committee and Government Operations Committee. He served as the Chairman of the Cortland County Legislature from 2020-2022, working closely with all Central New York leaders and State representatives through the COVID -19 Pandemic.
JoAnn Delaney
(Onondaga County)
JoAnn serves on the CNY Regional Market Authority’s Board of Directors as a representative from Onondaga County. She was appointed by the Onondaga County Legislature in August of 1997, and serves in her current term until its expiration on 1/1/27. In addition to her role on the Board of Directors for the CNY Regional Market Authority, JoAnn is a 4th generation farmer on a NYS century farm with 40 years of production experience. Her education includes Bishop Ludden High School and Cornell University. She is on the Grower’s Advisory Committee for NYS IPM and CCE, Onondaga County. She is a member of NYS Farm Bureau and NYS Agricultural Society. She is the past Chair of Onondaga County Sludge Advisory Committee and the past President of the CNYRMA Board Of Directors. She is interested in good agricultural practices, food safety with a focus on food security, and the environment. She will continue working to keep local agriculture strong for the community. She lives in Onondaga County with her husband.
Maria Mahar, Secretary
(Onondaga County)
Maria is currently the Deputy Commissioner of Adult & Long Term Care Services of Onondaga County Department of Adult & Long Term Care Services. Maria attended State University of Oneonta, graduating 1980, Syracuse University, graduating 2006, and American Dietetic Association Leadership Institute, graduation 2007. Maria is also a Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist (2000), registered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration (2003), Training in Adult Weight Management(2016) and ServSafe Certified (2019). Maria has collaborated with many organizations to improve food distribution to low income neighborhoods located in food deserts. Maria continues to volunteer with various associations and programs related to her work in nutrition.
Tom Bonoffski, Treasurer
(Oswego County)
Tom serves on the Board of Directors for his county’s Soil and Water Conservation District and Farm Bureau and has a long history working in various areas of agriculture.
Jose Berenguer, 2nd Vice President
(Wayne County)
Jose has a long standing background in agriculture. Jose came to the United States in 1986 to attend college before returning to Spain where he and his wife began buying and selling at wholesale and retail markets. When returning the the United States in 1992, they settled in Seattle, WA where they started they successful woodworking business. In 2004 Jose and his family relocated to Wolcott, NY and in 2014 they began their beekeeping farm. Shortly after in 2015 they began selling their honey and produce on our retail market.
Adam Carvell
(Madison County)
Adam and his family have operated their family owned distillery, Old Home Distillers since 2015 located in Lebanon, NY. They began selling on our retail market in 2017.
Keith Schiebel
(Oneida County)
David Knapp
(Onondaga County Executive)
Allen Naples
(Onondaga County Executive)
Daniel Fetter
(Appointed by Mayor Walsh)
Habiba Boru
(Appointed by Mayor Walsh)
John Musumeci
(Oswego County)
Tim Pezzolesi
(Commissioner Representative)
Tim is the Assistant Director for Agricultural Development at the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. He is currently serving as Commissioner Richard A. Ball’s representative on the Board of Directors. Tim attended Onondaga Community College, earning an A.A. degree in1987, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry, earning a B.S. degree in 1990, and Texas Tech University, earning a M.S. degree 1993. Prior to his employment at the Department of Agriculture and Markets, which began in 2001, Tim developed, implemented and/or supervised a variety of projects and educational programs for both Penn State Cooperative Extension and Cornell Cooperative Extension, including in agronomy, environmental issues, Master Gardeners, community development, 4-H, and agricultural economic development.
Jonathan Anna
(Cayuga County)
(Cayuga County)
(Madison County)
Committee Members & Officers 2024-2025
Governance COMMITTEE
Maria Mahar, Chair
Anthony Emmi
Maria Mahar
Jose Berenguer
JoAnn Delaney
Jonathan Anna
Anthony Emmi, President
Paul Heider, 1st Vice President
Jose Berenguer, 2nd Vice President
Maria Mahar, Secretary
Tom Bonoffski, Treasurer
Maria Mahar, Chair
Adam Carvell
Paul Heider
Keith Schiebel, Chair
Maria Mahar
Anthony Emmi
Paul Heider
Personnel/Nominating COMMITTEE
John Musumeci, Chair
Jose Berenguer
Adam Carvell
Maria Mahar
Contact officer
Bill Fisher
Maria Mahar
Tom Bonoffski, Chair
Maria Mahar
Tim Pezzolesi
Quick Links
Board of Directors Meeting Schedule: Meetings are typically held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM at 2100 Park Street, Syracuse, NY 13208
Upcoming Board Meeting Details
Next Board Meeting: 4/08/25 at 4:00PMThe meeting will take place in the Market Commons in units 301-308 at 2100 Park Street.
Join Zoom Link (For Public Viewing Only):
Meeting ID: 820 1476 9316
Passcode: 896650
With Video Conferencing to:
Upcoming Committee Meetings and Details: The meeting will take place in the Market Commons in units 301-308 at 2100 Park Street.
Upcoming Meetings:
Finance Committee Meeting 2/11/25 at 3pm.
Join Zoom Link (For public viewing only): ID: 880 3883 2416
Passcode: 689587
Committee Member Virtual Attendance:
Mission Statement: The mission of the Authority is to provide facilities, programs and services to promote opportunities for Agriculture and commerce in Central New York and to specifically serve the counties of Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, and Wayne County.
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming soon